St. Enda’s National School (Scoil Éinde Naofa) is located in the town of Lisdoonvarna in north Clare. It is one of three primary schools serving the parish of Lisdoonvarna and Kilshanny.
School Profile
- Name: St. Enda’s N.S. – Scoil Éinde Naofa
- Established:1955 (extended in 1970)
- Address: Mainstreet, Lisdoonvarna
- School type: Catholic, co-educational & vertical
- Parish: Lisdoonvarna and Kilshanny
- Patron: Catholic Bishop of Galway, Kilmacduagh and Kilfenora
- Religion: Catholic
- Phone contact: 065 707 4231
- Email:[email protected]
- Website:
- School Slogan: Tús maith leath na hoibre
- No. of Mainstream teachers: 6
- No. of Learning support teachers: 1
- No. of Resource teachers:1 Part time
- Other staff: Part time secretary, caretaker and cleaner
- Opening Times: 9.10-2.55(Assembly time 9.10-9.30)
- Break Times: Sos 11.00 – 11.15 Lón 12.30-1.00
- Short school day: 9.10-1.55 (Junior Infants and Senior Infants)
- Full school day: 9.10-2.55 (1st-6th)
- Class groupings: Junior & Senior Infants, Senior Infants & 1st , 2nd & 3rd, 3rd & 4th, 4th & 5th, 6th
- School uniform: Yes
- Board of management: Yes
- Parents’ Association: Yes