
Our school is now using the online maths learning programme ‘Mathletics’.  Mathletics is an online programme which helps children enjoy and improve their maths!

Your child will have access to Mathletics at home and school through a unique username and password. This is something that school have now introduced in the classroom with your child, but it would be a support to your child if you spend time on some of the maths games at home.

Children can work towards achieving bronze, silver and gold certificates over the school year. Bronze is awarded when 1000 points/questions have been answered. Silver is achieved after 4 weeks of bronze certificate status. Gold comes when children have completed 4 silver certificates.

Your child has been issued with a card with  their username and password. Keep these details safe as they provide access to Mathletics for your child. Please follow the instructions below to log on to Mathletics from home!

How do I log on to Mathletics using a desktop computer or laptop ?

  1. Connect to the internet
  2. Search
  3. Click on SIGN IN in the top right hand corner.
  4. Insert your unique username and password and the website will load.

How do I log on to Mathletics using another device e.g iPad etc ?

  1. Search the Mathletics Student App in the App store.
  2. Download same. It’s free and available on ios and android devices .
  3. Once the app has been downloaded you may access Mathletics using your username and password as above .