Parent Association Constitution
ST.ENDA’S N A T I O N A L S C H O O L M A Y 2013
Education Act 1998
Section 26 states:
“A Parent Association shall promote the interests of all the students in a school in cooperation with the Board of Management (BoM), principal, teachers and students of a school and for that purpose may:
● advise the principal or BoM on any matter relating to the school and the principal or BoM , as the case may be, shall have regard to any such advice and
● adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents, in consultation with the principal, in the operation of the school”.
Supporting Each Other Guidelines
The National Parents Council – Primary (NPC-P) and the Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN) have developed ‘Supporting Each Other – a guide to best practice for the effective partnership between Principals and Parent Associations’.
Name of the Association
The parents and guardians of all students attending St. Enda’s National School shall be considered members of the Parent Association. The committee, who are elected by the Parent Association and who represent the Association, shall be called ‘’St. Enda’s National School Parent Association Committee.’’
Read the full: St. Enda’s PA Constitution May 2013